Dear Partners, 

Don't forget to join staff from Families USA Action for today's webinar at 2:00 pm EDT to hear the latest information on surprise billing legislation and the role you can play in urging Congress to end surprise billing and to protect families during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Register for the webinar here.

Ending surprise bills for consumers is a critical financial protection for families during a time where they are in need of critical health care services and already vulnerable to unexpected costs. With unprecedented unemployment and economic uncertainty, a surprise bill for seeking medical care could significantly  worsen the financial and health tradeoffs families are already facing.

Families USA Action and our partners in the No Surprises campaign are holding a digital week of action from April 20–24. RSVP today to join our April 20 webinar, COVID-19 and Ending Surprise Medical Bills: A Week of Action, to learn how to encourage your Member of Congress to protect families from these unexpected costs.

To your health, 

Raven Gomez, 
Partnerships Coordinator 
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