Dear John -

This week is the 50th anniversary of the original Earth Day!

Citizens' Climate Lobby would like to invite you and your friends to join us for our virtual Earth Day celebration #UnitingFromHome with climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. Please help us spread the word and forward to your communities!

Uniting from Home

A virtual CCL event with Katharine Hayhoe

Saturday, April 25th, 1pm-4pm EDT

You are invited to the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) 50th anniversary of Earth Day celebration, Uniting from Home with Dr Katharine Hayhoe. Register and mark your calendar for April 25th at 1pm ET.  

Please also invite your family members & friends who are concerned about climate change but are not yet working towards solutions. Not all of us are able to focus on climate change right now. But for those who can, we’ll hear from climate leaders, learn about quick actions we can take to help climate change, and get trained. You can attend this virtual Earth Day event from home. Join us, and bring a (virtual) friend!

1:00 pm ET - Keynote speaker Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a world-renowned climate scientist, evangelical Christian, and host of the video series, Global Weirding

1:45 pm ET - 3 easy actions you can take from home to help the climate right now.

2:00 pm ET - Choose between the four breakout sessions:
1. Climate Advocate Training
2. CCL Volunteer Spotlight Panel
3. Climate Organizing During the Pandemic
4. Depolarizing Within: A Better Way to Prepare for Climate Discussions, presented by Braver Angels

More details on the event page:

RSVP for Uniting from Home

(Virtual) Climate Book Club

The CCL-DC Book Club meets monthly to discuss readings around climate action. This month will be on Jonathan Haidt's The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion

In his book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion," Haidt explores how moral foundations influence different world views, and how understanding (and appealing to) those foundations can be critical in communicating with people who think differently.

All are welcome, regardless of whether you've read or finished the book. We like a good discussion! Want to co-facilitate this discussion? Let us know if you're interested in joining organizer Jose-Luis.


RSVP to Virtual Book Club
Stay tuned for upcoming planning meetings, events and training by following DC Chapter Events on our CCL Community page, and CCL National's Community Bulletin and Events page.

Volunteer opportunity: Our chapter is in need of a Communications team + Leads / co-leads. Please reach out to Debbie if you're interested.
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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