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Dear Friends,

Check out our 30-second DUMP-TRUMP mindbomb HERE.

It will hit the FOX airwaves 22 times in July in five battleground states.

The fireworks start July 4th during the much-watched soccer games Copa America, and Concacaf Gold Cup!

Our intel is that both Trump and Biden will be duking it out with dueling ads during these prime TV sports broadcasts on FOX.

This one’s different. This one can be the hammer. It’s not realpolitik. It’s not coming from the Democratic machine. It’s a howl of rage directly from the people.

And if we can keep it running all the way to Election Day, it can avert disaster and change history!

Go HERE and donate!

In August we want to air our spot not just on FOX but on CNN and MSNBC. And to blast it out across the Net.

Are you ready to blow Trump's mind?

Democracy can't wait.


Our future hangs in the air.

For the Wild,

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The Third Force

CLICK HERE to see the full schedule of all air times across Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin.


Join the Third Force Collective here.

Check out the Manifesto For World Revolution book here.

Get the book + a one-year subscription to Adbusters magazine for only $55 here.

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