


Corporations are not people, because when corporations commit crimes they can’t go to prison.


The DOJ is moving forward with their so-called “prosecution” of Boeing. It’s bullshit, and I’ll show you why.

A graphic featuring a headline summary about Boeing which reads: “Justice Department to Charge Boeing, Seeks Guilty Plea from Planemaker. Boeing has until the end of the week to decide on guilty plea. DOJ to inform Boeing has to pay fine, hire a corporate monitor.

The prosecution deal coming out of the DOJ would have Boeing the corporation submit a guilty plea for the charges stemming from their failure to comply with a previous deal struck with the federal government.


If they accept the invitation to plead guilty, Boeing will have to pay a fine and hire a “corporate monitor” to let the company self-regulate.


Not a single Boeing executive (past or present) is being investigated for decisions they made that led to the deaths of 346 Boeing passengers and crew.


Not a single Boeing executive (past or present) is being investigated for creating an atmosphere of intimidation and harassment, or for wrongful terminations of whistleblowers who tried to speak out about the company cutting corners on passenger safety.


Not a single Boeing executive (past or present) is being held accountable for what this company has become, or the threat they pose to public safety.


In fact, most of the people responsible for those deaths and that pattern of intimidation and retaliation have been gifted with early retirements and tens of millions of dollars.


Show me any working class American who can get away with crimes like this.


As I’ve said repeatedly: Boeing didn’t get here on their own. Rick Larsen has pocketed their blood money for years while steering regulators away.


The entire root of money in politics stems back to corporate personhood. The moment that SCOTUS declared money was speech and corporations are people entitled to free speech, the floodgates opened.


With unlimited power to buy off the people who write the laws, this year SCOTUS handed corporations another coup: they now have the power to dismantle any regulations that may have restrained them before.


So get ready to see a lot more cases like Boeing. Only this time they won’t have to hide it – they’ll do their crimes out in plain sight and expect us to take it.


It has never been more important that we elect representatives who refuse to participate in this pay-to-play scheme. I’ve never taken a dime from corporate PACs or lobbyists, and I never will.


My opponent is an ex-lobbyist who found his way into a lucrative career as a bought-and-paid-for politician. We will defeat Larsen, and we will make history by sending the first ever Green Party member to Congress to fight for working people. Can I count on your support today?

This is not a new position for me. When I served on the Washington Education Association state assembly over 10 years ago, I helped introduce and pass a resolution stipulating that corporations are not people.


In fact I’ve been organizing against money in politics for as long as I’ve been an activist.


Boeing must be held accountable. A real prosecution would target the living, breathing persons (not the corporate persons) who made the decisions to put profit over human life.


A real prosecution would target the lawmakers who aided and abetted those crimes.


But until we deal with the cancer that is money in politics, this will get worse.


As your congressman, I will pursue congressional hearings on Boeing’s systematic disregard for public safety. I will introduce legislation calling for accountability of executives when their profit-chasing leads to injury or death.


And I will never, ever take a dime of their blood money.


In solidarity,


Jason Call


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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