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Women mobilize to prevent COVID-19 in crowded Rohingya refugee camps

Apr 16, 2020 11:04 am
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To prevent an added humanitarian crisis in the already-vulnerable Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 24 Rohingya volunteers are working with UN Women to mobilize their communities and raise awareness on COVID-19.
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Roses in the battlefield: rural women farmers join the fight against COVID-19 in China

Apr 15, 2020 12:57 pm
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In January 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic began spreading across China. Of the 42,600 medical workers dispatched to the hardest-hit Hubei Province, as of early March, two-thirds (28,000) were women, who have been dubbed “roses in the battlefield”. Women without any medical background also joined the fight, volunteering for vital roles across other provinces.
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HeForShe launches #HeForSheAtHome campaign

Apr 15, 2020 10:46 am
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In providing useful tools and tips, the #HeForSheAtHome campaign seeks to inspire men to help balance the burden in their households. Whether its learning to use that new vacuum cleaner, or the game you play when washing the dishes, we want to hear your stories. In sharing these stories of positive male role models from all over the world, we hope to inspire many more to do their fair share.
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From where I stand: “I want to hug my daughter and take care of my parents, but this sacrifice needs to be made to keep them and others safe”

Apr 13, 2020 01:52 pm
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Dr. Runa Jha is the Chief Pathologist and Director at the National Public Health Laboratory in Nepal, which is linked with 277 government laboratories across the country and is the only lab authorized to conduct COVID-19 testing. Jha, along with 67 team members, is playing a crucial role in the front-line response to COVID-19.
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