July 02, 2024
Our Daily live show returns Monday, 07/08. In this special episode, we
recap the year so far with the team's hand-picked best segments and
interviews from the show.
Jill Biden’s Embarrassing Vogue Feature Signifies The Death Of Art
In a fawning Vogue Magazine cover feature, “Dr.” Jill Biden vowed to
keep her elderly, deteriorating husband in the grueling 2024 presidential
race. Even members of left-wing corporate media agreed that President Joe
Biden needs to step aside after the president mumbled, gaffed, and lied
through the entire 90 minutes of last week’s presidential debate.
(Compilation) VP Harris Just Can't Stop Spewing Word Salad
“What can be, unburdened by what has been” has become a catchphrase of
Vice President Kamala Harris - and something of an internet meme as well,
popping up on social media every time she utters the phrase.
TRENDING VIDEO: Clarence Thomas Gets the Last Laugh vs. Joe Biden
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Bongino at:
Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm
City, FL 34991
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