Frank Mrvan Headshot

Dear John,

Earlier this week, we completed the second quarter of this election year. I know that getting all of these fundraising emails can feel overwhelming, but the truth is, you’re part of something important.

When you donate to our campaign, it’s a statement. It’s saying you believe in leadership that will work for you in Congress. It’s a testament to the strength of grassroots politics, and the idea that our government is for the people and by the people, too.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you, John. The success of this campaign is reliant on your support, and I want you to know that it isn’t lost on me.

John, we are strongest when we work together. The journey of delivering impactful results for the residents of Northwest Indiana is only just beginning, and I am so proud of the foundation we’ve built.

Thank you for such a successful wrap up to this last quarter.

In solidarity,
