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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 20 April


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Faith school supporter Nick Timothy appointed to Department for Education

A former adviser to Theresa May who is a vocal champion of faith schools has been given a role in the Department for Education. During his time in Downing Street Nick Timothy unsuccessfully attempted to abolish the cap which means free schools with a religious character can only select 50 per cent of their pupils on the basis of religion.



Police issued penalty notices to Jewish ritual bath users

Police have fined men for using a mikveh (Jewish ritual bath) in Stamford Hill during Pesach in contravention of social distancing rules.

The Jewish Chronicle


Muslims targeted with 'dangerous' conspiracy theories during lockdown

Far-right extremists have been circulating old footage to claim that mosques are still open, causing police to be inundated with complaints by duped members of the public.

The Independent


Church insurer does not cover COVID-19, says parishioner

Ecclesiastical Insurance covers losses resulting from infectious diseases, but while the policy document's list of "acceptable" diseases includes smallpox and leprosy, it does not include Covid-19, according to a letter to The Times.

The Times (£)


Poland votes against quashing bill that jails sex education teachers

MPs in Poland have voted not to kill a controversial bill that would criminalise sex education and denounce those who teach it as paedophiles and LGBT+ activists.

Pink News


Tennessee can’t stop abortions during coronavirus pandemic, judge argues

Tennessee must continue to allow abortions despite a temporary ban on non-essential medical procedures designed to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, the Associated Press reported Saturday.

New York Post


'Activists are using Covid-19 to set limits on abortion around the world'

The spread of the novel coronavirus has helped anti-abortion activists in the US win victories—at least for now—that they have sought ever since the US Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that women have a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy.



Trump consults faith leaders on phased-in reopening

President Donald Trump held a call with faith leaders on Friday that included discussion about a phased-in return to broader in-person worship after weeks of religious services largely shifting online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mail Online


Questions mount over Christian group behind Central Park Covid-19 hospital

Facility run by Trump ally Franklin Graham's organisation requires staff to sign statement opposing gay marriage.

The Guardian


India coronavirus: Officials suspended over large crowds at Hindu festival

Indian officials have suspended a local magistrate and a police official for allowing large crowds to attend a chariot-pulling festival at a Hindu temple on Thursday morning.

BBC News


Listen to our latest podcast


Ep 23: The NSS at the UN - interview with Josephine Macintosh

In this week's episode, Emma Park speaks to Josephine Macintosh, a solicitor and vice president of the NSS, about her work representing the NSS at the United Nations.

Josephine discusses her recent presentations on behalf of the NSS at the UN Human Rights Council. She also talks about the constraints that the coronavirus is likely to place on the UN's human rights work.



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