The Hawaii Elections Commission Makes National News…

And not in a good way…. Read the article from the Gateway Pundit (here)

Watch the 2-min. video (below) featured in the Gateway Pundit article.

E.C. Meeting descends into complete chaos

Hawaii Elections Commission

July Meeting | July 16th | 1:30 pm

The Election Commission Meeting is scheduled for July 16th. The outstanding motions that have passed in the previous Election Commission Meetings are STILL pending action. In most cases, the Chair of the Election Meetings responsible to follow through on each action. In many cases, the Chair has let these actions fall to the wayside.

Email: [email protected] with testimonies or to testify

If you have been attending the Hawaii Elections Commission meetings on a regular basis you may have noticed a pattern forming. What is obvious is that the same 3 or 4 Commissioners vote as contrarians regardless of how many testimonies they hear from the electorate. These commissioners never bother to explain why they vote against the wishes of the majority in attendance. And then, by contrast,  there are those Commissioner who seem to listen to those they serve. Your presence at these meetings is having an impact.

Three ways you can help!

One: Sign up to get alerts to the Hawaii Elections Commission meetings (here: ) and you will get notification of each monthly meeting. (ZOOM)

Two: Please do your best to attend these meetings as an observer OR provide testimony. When you sign up for alerts, you will be sent the agenda a week before the meeting and the directions on how to submit testimony.

Three:  Help spread this information. We NEED more people to show up!