Senator Jordan Rasmusson's Header Image

July 2nd, 2024


OLA Reports on Feeding Our Future Fraud

On Thursday, June 13, the nonpartisan Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) shared its latest report on the Minnesota Department of Education’s (MDE) oversight of the nonprofit Feeding Our Future. The report found MDE’s oversight of Feeding Our Future to be inadequate and that “MDE’s actions and inactions created opportunities for fraud."

The OLA report had three themes:

  • MDE failed to act on warning signs known to the department before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and before the start of the alleged fraud
  • MDE did not effectively exercise its authority to hold Feeding Our Future accountable to program requirements
  • MDE was ill-prepared to respond to the issues it encountered with Feeding Our Future

This is not the only case of fraud that took place under the Walz Administration. Last month, a separate audit report showed the OLA could not verify about 41% of Frontline Worker Pay bonuses made in 2023, resulting in about $205 million in unverified payments. Previous OLA reports have found $3.5 million in overpayments through the RentHelp program, and millions of fraudulent dollars through DHS programs for child care assistance, adult day care centers, opioid treatment, and more. To read the Star Tribune article on the situation, click here.


Interview with The Flag

When Minnesotans sent their elected officials to St. Paul, they expected their viewpoints to be heard and well represented. However, in the final hour of the 2024 session, legislative Democrats abused their power and silenced the voices of half of Minnesota.

I spoke about the shocking end of session in a recent interview with Scott Hennen, host of The Flag's 'What's on Your Mind?,' and I invite you to listen to our full conversation and let me know your thoughts. To listen to the interview, click here.


Fergus Falls Aquatic Center

I recently attended the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Fergus Falls Aquatic Center. I authored and passed the legislation that gave the Fergus Falls voters the opportunity to vote on this community project. Congratulations to the community for taking another key step forward for this exciting project! I invite you to watch the full ceremony by clicking here.


Memorial Day

I was honored to participate in the dedication of the Parkers Prairie Veterans Memorial Park this Memorial Day. The Parkers Prairie community has a deep desire to honor our veterans and fallen heros. Thank you for your commitment to honoring their service. My prayer is that this Veterans Memorial Park will help us remember and honor the sacrifices made to secure our liberty.

I was also honored to share stories of our veterans and fallen heroes at the Deer Creek Memorial Day program today. Thank you to the Deer Creek American Legion for a great breakfast and thoughtful program.


EMS Townhall

On Monday, June 10, Representative Jeff Backer, Representative Tom Murphy, and I hosted a town hall meeting on the $30 million rural emergency medical services (EMS) aid package recently passed by the Minnesota Legislature. This event–which took place in Elbow Lake at the Grant County Social Service Building–was attended by more than 50 community members, including local health care leaders, EMS providers and firefighters.

Back in January, Representative Backer and I brought the EMS Task Force to Elbow Lake to hear from our community on ways to improve access to life-saving EMS care. In the same room where we hosted the Task Force, I was grateful to share how our community’s feedback became law through the passage of a rural EMS aid package. This legislation serves as a lifeline for this critical service. The funding proposal is transparent and prioritizes rural communities that need the most help. I appreciate the collaborative nature of this legislation and the opportunity to work on this issue in a bipartisan manner. To read further, click here.

Additionally, Congresswoman Fischbach and I had a chance to hear feedback from Perham EMS on how local, state and federal governments can work together to make rural emergency medical services stronger at the Perham Fire Department pancake fundraiser. To read more about this event and our visit to Perham, click here.


With Gratitude,

Senator Rasmusson's Signature

Senator Jordan Rasmusson

District 9