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Dear Jack,

What happens when you campaign as a conservative, but govern as a social democrat?
Ben Shapiro and I discussed how conservatives that failed to act conservative are about to be electorally annihilated across the Atlantic. 
If Mississippi conservatives want to keep winning, they need to deliver.  
That means:
  • Giving parents the freedom to send their child to a school of their choice. 
  • Action to combat the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda that is taking over our public institutions. 
  • Cutting taxes, not inventing new ways to squander Mississippi’s budget surplus.
Just because someone happens to hunt, or have the right bumper sticker on their truck, does not make them conservative if they don’t deliver on the any of the above.
Conservatives in Louisiana, Alabama and Arkansas have achieved more on school choice in 12 months than Mississippi has managed in 12 years. 
It’s time for conservative change in our state. 
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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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