Thank you for being part of today's generation fighting antisemitism and hate.
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Dear John,

You are a vital part of the fight against antisemitism.

I want you to know how grateful everyone here at ADL is for your commitment, as every donation you make and every action you take is part of a 111-year tradition of caring about keeping our communities safe.

In July of 1913, visionary Chicago attorney Sigmund Livingston gathered a group of prominent Jewish leaders to fight against the unbridled antisemitism of the day. At the time, the Jewish community in the United States faced rampant antisemitism and overt discrimination. Books, radio and newspapers depicted Jews with crude stereotypes.

The appalling nature of it all — along with a realization that you cannot protect one marginalized group without protecting all marginalized groups — led Livingston to put forward a bold idea: to create an organization with its mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.”

Since then, each generation has answered the call to fight antisemitism, extremism and hate. And our generation today is no exception.

With the shocking surge of antisemitism in the U.S., especially since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel — ADL’s goals remain as relevant today as they were 111 years ago.

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Your partnership, your support and your passion today continue to help ADL conduct groundbreaking research and analysis, counter the evils of antisemitism, bigotry and extremism and hold accountable anyone who wants to harm another because of who they are... how they worship... or what they believe.

And for that I want to thank you!

FLB signature
Frederic L. Bloch
Chief Growth Officer

P.S. In honor of you and ADL Uniting for Good, your first gift will help fight against rampant antisemitism and the fear it has generated in Jewish communities across the country.