Telling these two apart is tough. | 
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National Audubon Society
Left, Cliff Swallow; Right, White-throated Swift.
Can you tell a swallow from a swift?
Go out on any fall day when insects are buzzing about, and you’ll see a flurry of feathered fighter jets swooping and diving after them. These avian aerialists—swifts and swallows—may look similar and hunt the same prey, but they’re not related at all. So, how do you tell them apart? By paying attention to details and behavior.

Upon closer observation, these two birds vary by color, wing shape, nesting habits, and a few other traits. Keep reading for our tips on IDing these nearly indistinguishable insectivores.
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Left, Cliff Swallow; Right, White-throated Swift. From left: Cliff Swallow. Photo: Ben Knoot/Audubon Photography Awards; White-throated Swift. Photo: Peter Knoot/Audubon Photography Awards
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