
Dear Friend,

I wanted to pass along my latest update on the important work I am doing in Washington DC to stand up for commonsense, conservative principles across the Country and to serve my constituents in Maryland's First Congressional District. With the fiscal year 2025 appropriations process in full swing, House Republicans, including myself, are busy drafting legislation that removes wasteful government spending and passing the most conservative bills possible. 

To date, House Republicans have passed several of the must pass appropriations bills and the other remaining bills are either moving along through the legislative process or coming up for a scheduled vote on the House Floor. Throughout the process, House Republicans remain committed to bringing fiscal sanity back to Washington. 

PASSED: H.R. 8774, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025, strengthens America’s defense by prioritizing countering the Chinese Communist Party, investing in our military, supporting our servicemembers and their families, combatting the flow of fentanyl, promoting American values, and ensuring the Department is focused on its primary duty to keep Americans safe. 

PASSED: H.R. 8771, the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025, reaffirms American leadership by combatting our adversaries, supporting our allies, promoting American values here and abroad, and prioritizing our national security, while refocusing our taxpayer dollars on actually protecting Americans and our allies.

District Updates

Remembering Rachel Morin:

ImagePhoto Credit: WBAL-TV

Like you, I was horrified to learn that Rachel Morin, a resident of Harford County and mother of 5, was brutally raped and murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the family of Rachel Morin as they cope with this devasting tragedy.

This level of violence in Harford County is almost unheard of. Unfortunately, due to President Biden’s refusal to secure our Southern Border every state, including states 1800 miles away from the Southern Border, have become border states.

Rachel Morin’s alleged murderer had a violent criminal history, including a similar charge of murder in El Salvador and a home invasion in Los Angeles. Yet despite his lengthy rap sheet of violent criminal activity, this illegal immigrant was still able to freely enter our country because of President Biden’s wide open Southern Border policies. 

It is beyond time to close our Southern Border. Marylanders are not safe under the Biden Administration's border policies, and I will continue to speak up and fight to strengthen the border so that our streets and communities can be protected from crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Delmarva Blood Bank:

Last week, The Blood Bank of Delmarva returned to Capitol Hill for their third congressional blood drive event. Blood banks are important because they ensure that hospitals have a safe, reliable blood supply for patients in need. According to information provided to my office, it takes around 350 donors a day to keep the Bank's inventory stocked for 19 hospitals in Delmarva and six more hospitals that reach into the Baltimore-Washington area.

I was pleased to hear so many people made the decision to attend the blood drive and extend my thanks to the Blood Bank of Delmarva for their hard work in facilitating this event. 


Upcoming Fourth of July Events in the District:


Queen Anne's County Fireworks & Family Fun Celebration

Queen Anne's County, at the newly renovated Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center, will host a July Fourth event. The event starts at 6PM and is free. There will be a kid's zone, live music, and fireworks.

Chesapeake Heritage & Visitors Center
425 Piney Narrows Road
Kent Narrows

Ocean City's Music and Fireworks Downtown on the Beach & Uptown at Northside Park:

Ocean City will host a July 4th celebration that will feature two simultaneous firework displays, live DJ entertainment, and plenty of family fun. 

Northside Park: 125th Street and the bay
Ocean City's Boardwalk: Beach at Caroline Street.


Congressional Art Competition Winner:


Congratulations to Kyla Loar on winning the Congressional Art Competition for Maryland's First District!

Entitled, "Watching As You Walk Away," Kyla's piece of art is a beautiful tribute to our servicemen and service women as they leave their families behind to fight for our freedom.

This piece of art will be proudly displayed on the walls of Congress, and I look forward to viewing it regularly as I walk to vote.


In The News

The Southern Border Crisis Hits Home:

Fox45 Interview:


The Federal government, under the Biden administration, is a complete and dangerous failure at the Southern Border. Joe Biden has kept busy pointing fingers about the border crisis, when in reality, he has the ability to end the crisis today.

Biden has created an unprecedented crisis at the border.
  • In Biden's first 100 days, he took more than 94 executive actions on immigration, including halting construction of the border wall and ending the successful "Remain in Mexico" policy.
  • Since then, millions of migrants have crossed the border illegally.
  • Biden has set the record for all-time migrant encounters at the southern border every year of his presidency.
  • Illegal aliens have committed horrific crimes against American citizens. 

I joined Fox45 to discuss the impacts the Southern Border crisis is having on our communities. 

Fox Business Interview:


I also joined Fox Business to discuss the border crisis and what President Biden can do to solve it.

What Biden Can Do: Reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy.
  • DHS can require illegal aliens who claim asylum at the border to wait in Mexico until an immigration judge rules on their case. On Feb 2, 2021, Biden issued an Executive Order calling to terminate the Remain in Mexico Policy. On June 1, 2021, the program was ended through a DHS memo.
What Biden Can Do: Remove immigrants who entered this country illegally.

  • DHS can quickly remove illegal aliens apprehended anywhere in the country within two years of unlawful entry who do not claim fear of persecution without appearing before an immigration judge. 

The Bottom Line: President Biden has the authority to end the crisis at the Southern Border—he is simply unwilling to use it.

How We Can Help

If you have ever had any issue with a Federal agency, like the IRS, the VA, Social Security, Medicare, or passports, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. My office teams are ready to assist you. If you are interested in purchasing a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, for a special person or special occasion, please visit my website or call my office at 202-225-5311. Below are links to services my office offers and we hope to hear from you. 


Andy Harris, M.D.
Member of Congress
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