Thanks to you we are waging a record-breaking fight to take back the House.

From the desk of Andrei Cherny

John — I want to start by saying this: thank you.

We’re still crunching the numbers, but I’m confident we sent another historic message that Arizonans are ready for change in our latest fundraising report.

Since the beginning of this campaign, I’ve been blown away by the support this grassroots team has shown. Thanks to you, we are waging a record-breaking fight to take back the House.

I know it’s easy to lose sight of what this is all about, especially with the seemingly endless flurry of deadline emails.

This campaign is not about who raises the most money. This campaign is about fighting for the future of our democracy and our planet.

The next few weeks will determine whether we advance to the general election to take on David Schweikert, a corporate PAC-funded, anti-abortion extremist who calls climate change “folklore.”

With your support, I know we have the momentum to do this — that’s why I want to know if you’re with me.

Instead of asking for a donation today, I’m asking you to sign on and personally endorse my campaign for Congress. Will you add your name?


Thank you for being in my corner — it means the world to me.

In your service,
