I want to personally invite you to
a very special Resolute Square private event. On Tuesday, July 2nd, at
8 PM ET, legendary journalist John Harwood will join us to discuss one
of the critical issues of this moment: How fascism is being normalized
and what role and responsibility the media have in this

John’s courage, journalistic
ethics, and integrity compelled him to be a clarion voice in the
media, warning of the danger of Donald Trump and the GOP’s
anti-democratic actions. Tuesday, he’ll give us his unvarnished
opinion of the mainstream media's current state and answer your
We have to fight back with a loud,
pro-democracy, pro-truth media voice, and that’s precisely why Rick,
Joe, and I launched Resolute Square. We know what it will take to
fight the MAGA media machine. No billionaire is going to come and save
us. It's why I joined the Lincoln Project and why I am so driven to
help Resolute Square succeed in its mission. Each of us must step up,
take a stand, and fight back against the threat right-wing malice and
mainstream media’s failures pose to our democracy.
We stand resolute. Join
All my best,
The State of the Race And An
“I know how to tell the truth. I
know right from wrong.” This is where we are. Only one of the two
major party presidential candidates can make these statements and be
telling the truth. That’s Joe Biden. Only one candidate has 34 felony
convictions, is under multiple indictments, and has been found to have
committed rape. But Joe Biden’s performance (not substance) was rough
in one debate, so he’s the candidate the political chattering class
and mainstream media are calling on to drop out. It’s insanity, but
the mainstream and right-wing media cannot get enough of
The worst part of the debate was
not Biden’s performance; it’s that the mainstream media continues
failing to recognize that Trump lying to the American people for a
full 90 minutes is a terrible debate and a danger to our country.
Trump’s lying is what we all knew would happen—including the media—but
his lies aren’t news because they’ve been a constant in Americans’
lives for eight years.
If you’re a journalist, a convicted
felon trying to lie his way to the presidency for a second time should
never become a tired story. But once again, America’s free press is
letting us down and failing our democracy.
We have to talk about this, and
that’s exactly what we are inviting you to on Tuesday evening when
legendary journalist John Harwood joins us.
You see, for decades, the
Republican party and right-wing media stood unified, standing together
to cultivate their authoritarian agenda carefully. It’s an agenda
we’re fighting against daily through our media platform, Resolute
Square. The right hasn’t wavered, and neither can we. We’ve seen the
right-wing media and Republicans tow the party line and stand behind a
criminal at any cost…and traditional media, desperate to show they
aren’t the “liberal media” the right accuses them of being, has become
Rick, Joe, and I invite you to be
our guest at the second of three exclusive by-invitation-only, free
live stream events focused on how to combat propaganda and the
mainstream media. Join us Tuesday, July 2nd at 8 PM ET–right after
Strategy Session LIVE for a discussion with Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist John Harwood for NORMALIZING FASCISM: The Mainstream Media
in the aftermath of Debate #1.
They’ll discuss the progress of the
MAGA agenda going underreported, how to effectively fight back from
the White House to your house - and answer your questions.
This is a paid member special
event, but Resolute Square is opening it for free to loyal Lincoln
Project supporters. Sign
up now to receive the link to the live event >>
