Friend, those are the qualities I looked for in co-pilots when I served as an
Apache Helicopter pilot in Iraq.
No matter what you looked like or where you came from, I knew if you
demonstrated these traits, I could count on you.
Now, I’m building a new kind of A-Team, but the same qualifications still
stand. I need the top patriots in the country to help me DEFEND our Republican
House majority, and I’ve heard that you’re one of the strongest.
Friend, do you have what it takes to join our conservative A-Team and TAKE
BACK our country? <[link removed]>
JOIN THE TEAM <[link removed]>
I'M IN <[link removed]>
This mission won’t be easy. The socialist Left is doing everything it can to
try and take me out, and they’ll use every dirty trick in the book.
But I know with you on our team, we’ll be strong enough to weather ANY
I’m calling on you, Friend. Will you join our Republican A-Team today?
<[link removed]>
JOIN THE TEAM <[link removed]>
Thank you,
John James
<[link removed]>
Paid for by John James for Michigan
Email sent to
[email protected] by John James for Michigan
<[link removed]>
Use of John James’ military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does
not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of