Help us provide masks to Muni operators and riders | |
Hi John, We're launching a campaign to get free masks to Muni operators and riders who need them, and we need your help. On Friday, Mayor Breed declared that face coverings are required for anyone riding the bus. While the city is working hard to provide masks and other needed supplies, many Muni operators report many riders without masks, and lack sufficient personal protective equipment for themselves. We'll begin handing out masks this week thanks to our partnership with #AuntieSewingSquad and Scent Wedge, but to truly meet the need we need to raise more money and get more masks. | |
Public transit is an essential piece of the emergency response. But it needs to be safe as possible for essential workers and others who depend on it, and for the drivers who operate it. That's why we're securing cloth and disposable masks, and other personal protective equipment, for riders and drivers. | |