We need Democrats from PA to respond immediately:

Will you share your thoughts in our new July Priorities Survey? You’re one of our most engaged supporters, and responses from Philadelphia will help inform our work to defend and expand our Senate majority >>


Happy July, John!

We just wrapped up our end-of-quarter fundraising push — one of our most crucial deadlines leading up to the election. Thanks to this grassroots team, we hit our donor goal and are starting the second half of this year on the right foot.

But it’s only going to get more difficult from here on out:

  1. We have to help Democrats defend 23 Senate seats in November.
  2. We need to counter the millions of dollars in TV ads Republicans have already booked.
  3. We have to act fast: recent polling shows Donald Trump’s handpicked Senate candidates surging.

In the lead-up to Election Day, we need to hear from you: Take the July Priorities Survey and let us know what you’re thinking about heading into the heat of the election season >>


We are just four months away from Election Day. The clock is ticking, and we need to ensure that our priorities align with yours.

We also must ramp up our efforts to turn out Democrats nationwide, reach undecided voters, and help support candidates in top races.

Our team has already been working around the clock to support vulnerable Democrats like Sherrod Brown, Jacky Rosen, and Bob Casey — but we’ve got to do even more, and we can’t do it alone.

John, take our July Priorities Survey now >>

Thanks for taking the time to answer,

— Defend the Senate