From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter June 20(6). New research
Date July 1, 2024 1:03 PM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs. To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our
website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Reminder: the Health Research Board and Department of Health have developed a new services map [
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Irish-related publications
National Drug Treatment Reporting System: 2023 drug treatment demand
Lynch, Tiina and Condron, Ita and Lyons, Suzi and Carew, Anne Marie (2024) Dublin: Health Research

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European drug report 2024: trends and developments
(2024) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

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Outcomes of the LEAP feasibility trial-A low-threshold, exercise programme with protein
supplementation to target frailty and poor physical functioning in people experiencing homelessness
and addiction issues
Kennedy, Fiona et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (5).

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Key findings from the self-complete survey with cohort ’08 at 13
Smyth, Emer et al (2024) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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Report of the Committee on Standing Orders and Dáil Reform. Orders of reference for Special
Committee on Drugs Use. Adopted by the Committee 28 February 2024
Committee on Standing Orders and Dáil Reform. (2024) Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas

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Implementing the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs
(2024) Dublin: Citywide

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Seeing through hidden harm to brighter futures. A report of a conference held at the Ashling Hotel,
Dublin October 18th 2023
Barlow, Joy (2024) Dublin: FamiliBase

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Classifying national drinking patterns in Europe between 2000 and 2019: a clustering approach using
comparable exposure data.
Correia, Daniela et al (2024) Addiction, Early online,

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BETTER LIFE- guidelines for chronic disease preventive care for people aged 18-39 years: a
literature review.
Moqueet, Nasheed et al (2024) BMC Primary Care, 25, 224.

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Reduce your risk of cancer.
Irish Cancer Prevention Network. (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Youth prevention toolkit: e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery systems
HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Discharged from the emergency department following hospital-presented self-harm: referral patterns
and risk of repeated self-harm
Cully, Grace et al (2024) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.

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Comparing times of self-harm presentations to hospital emergency departments in children,
adolescents, young adults and adults: a national registry study 2007–2019
McEvoy, David et al (2024) BMC Psychiatry, 24.

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Healthcare practitioners' views of self-harm management practices in older adults in Ireland: a
qualitative study
Troya, M Isabela et al (2024) International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39, (7).

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To investigate the pattern of neck injuries and the role of toxicology in cases of hanging and
manual/homicidal ligature strangulation in Ireland between 2016 - 2020: a retrospective review and
Commins, Corey et al (2024) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 103.

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Evidence to decision: HIV PEP - Needlestick exposure from a discarded needle in the community and
shared injecting paraphernalia recommendations
HSE Public Health: National Health Protection Office. (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Unveiling the shadows: dynamics of domestic violence and abuse in Dublin 10
McDonnell, Sean and Costello, Karen (2024) Dublin: Saoirse

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Ireland country security report.
Overseas Security Advisory Council. (2024) Washington DC: US Department of State

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Northwest Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force SMART booklet. [Video]
(2024) Northwest Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force

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An evaluation of the Focus Ireland Women’s Outlook Programme
Clarke, Ann et al (2024) Dublin: Focus Ireland

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The experiences and outcomes of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller pregnant people in pregnancy: a scoping
O'Brien, M et al (2024) International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Early online.

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Correlates of problematic gambling in emerging adult university students in Ireland
Murphy, Michael P et al (2024) Journal of Gambling Studies, Early online.

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Childhood gambling experiences and adult problem gambling
Ó Ceallaigh, Diarmaid et al (2024) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute

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Public health approaches to tackling gambling related harms
Inquiry report. (2024) Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly All Party Group (APG) on Reducing Harm
Related to Gambling

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Views of the workers - drug and alcohol use in the workforce in Northern Ireland
Campbell, Anne and Cambell, Orfhlaith (2024) Belfast: Northern Ireland Alcohol and Drugs Alliance

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Caffeinated alcoholic drinks and health.
McKay, Michael T (2024) Belfast: Northern Ireland Alcohol and Drugs Alliance

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Mental Health Commission annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Mental Health Commission.

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Health Information and Quality Authority annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: HIQA

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National cancer strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Department of Health

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Women's Aid annual impact report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Women's Aid

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Recorded crime Q1 2024.
(2024) Cork: Central Statistics Office

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International publications
World drug report 2024 - key findings and conclusions.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2024) New York: United Nations

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EU drug market: new psychoactive substances — in-depth analysis [Webpage]
EMCDDA & Europol (2024)

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Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders
(2024) Geneva: World Health Organization

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“Recovery is complicated”: a qualitative exploration of Canadian university students’ diverse
recovery experiences
Burns, Victoria F et al (2024) Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, Early online.

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Interim monitoring report on statutory-funded residential rehabilitation placements
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Harm reduction advocacy – webinar series [Videos].
Sárosi, Péter (2024) Rights Reporter Foundation

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Developing a coordinated response to chemsex across health, justice and social care settings: expert
consensus statement
Hillier, Bradley et al (2024) BJPsych Bulletin, Early online.

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Closing doors, opening windows – Adaptations and opportunities for harm reduction services during
the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.
Rigoni, Rafaela and Tammi, Tuukka (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.

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Commercial determinants of noncommunicable diseases in the WHO European region
(2024) World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

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Alcohol, drugs and driving consensus statement. Saving lives: reducing preventable harm caused by
driving under the influence.
British Medical Association. (2024) London: BMA

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Drug checking: principles of practice - a model for Victoria
Seear, Kate (2024) Victoria, BC: arm Reduction Victoria and Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association

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The world factbook. Field listing: illicit drugs. [Webpage]
(2024) Central Intelligence Agency

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#Digital Youth – How children and young people are targeted with harmful product marketing online
Backholer, Kathryn (2024) Melbourne: Deakin University

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Web-based forums for people experiencing substance use or gambling disorders: scoping review
Peart, Annette et al (2024) JMIR Mental Health, 11.

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The Australian ‘drug budget’: Government drug policy expenditure 2021/22
DPMP monograph no. 36. Ritter, Alison et al (2024) Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW

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Uses of psychotropic drugs by university students in Switzerland
Berchtold, André et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (6).

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The challenge of new psychoactive substances - a technical update
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2024) Vienna: United Nations

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Evaluating the effects of supervised consumption sites on housing prices in Montreal, Canada using
interrupted time series and hedonic price models
Schaefer, Maximilian and Panagiotoglou, Dimitra (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 11.

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Economic evaluations of establishing opioid overdose prevention centers in 12 north American cities:
a systematic review.
Behrends, Czarina N et al (2024) Value in health, 27, (5), pp. 655-669.

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Experience of personal loss due to drug overdose among US adults
Kennedy-Hendricks, Alene et al (2024) JAMA Health Forum, 5, (5). 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2024.1262

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Suspected drug deaths in Scotland: January to March 2024
(2024) Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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Worldwide incidence of suicides in prison: a systematic review with meta-regression analyses
Mundt, Adrian P et al (2024) The Lancet Psychiatry, Early online.

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Involvement of propranolol in suicides: cross-sectional study using coroner-reported data
Gorton, Hayley C et al (2024) BJPsych Open, 10, (4).

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Risk of drug-related death associated with co-prescribing of gabapentinoids and z-drugs among people
receiving opioid-agonist treatment: a national retrospective cohort study
Glancy, Megan et al (2024) Psychiatry Research,

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In vitro structure-activity relationships and forensic case series of emerging 2-benzylbenzimidazole
'nitazene' opioids
De Vrieze, Liam M et al (2024) Archives of Toxicology, Early online.

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Rotation from methadone to buprenorphine using a micro-dosing regime in patients with opioid use
disorder and serious mental illness: a case series
Praeger, Vivian C et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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Exploring patients' perceptions on injectable opioid agonist treatment: influences on treatment
initiation and implications for practice
Friedmann, Zoe et al (2024) European Addiction Research, 30, (1), pp. 32-42.

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Emergency department staff compassion is associated with lower fear of enacted stigma among patients
with opioid use disorder.
Steinhauser, Savannah et al (2024) Academic Emergency Medicine, Early online.

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Rapid induction of transdermal buprenorphine to subcutaneous extended-release buprenorphine for the
treatment of opioid use disorder
Azar, Pouya et al (2024) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 19.

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Rapid initiation of injection naltrexone for opioid use disorder: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized
clinical trial.
Shulman, Matisyahu et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (5). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.9744

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Crafting effective regulatory policies for psychedelics: what can be learned from the case of
Andrews, Christina M et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Global patterns in small-scale cannabis growers' distribution practices: exploring the
grower-distributor nexus
Søgaard, Thomas Friis et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online.

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Heavy lifetime cannabis use and mortality by sex
Vallée, Alexandre (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (6). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.15227

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Cannabis use reported by patients receiving primary care in a large health system
Gelberg, Lillian et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (6). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.14809

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Assessing rates and predictors of cannabis-associated psychotic symptoms across observational,
experimental and medical research
Schoeler, Tabea et al (2024) Nature Mental Health, Early online.

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The contribution of cannabis use to the increased psychosis risk among minority ethnic groups in
Selten, J P et al (2024) Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-10.

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Changes in prenatal cannabis-related diagnosed disorders after the Cannabis Act and the COVID-19
pandemic in Quebec, Canada
Nazif-Munoz, José Ignacio et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Risk of severe mood and anxiety disorders in the adult children of parents with alcohol use
disorder: a nationwide cohort study
Kane, Kimberly et al (2024) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 78, (7), pp. 444-450.

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Early drinking onset and subsequent alcohol use in late adolescence: a longitudinal study of
drinking patterns
Sjödin, Lars et al (2024) The Journal of Adolescent Health, 74, (6), pp. 1225-1230.

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A dose-response meta-analysis on the relationship between average amount of alcohol consumed and
death by suicide
Lange, Shannon et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 260.

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Through the looking glass: an alcohol advertisement every 3 minutes
Rutherford, Brienna N et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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Reducing alcohol harms whilst minimising impact on hospitality businesses: 'Sweetspot' policy
Fitzgerald, Niamh et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 129.

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How can agent-based modelling provide new insights into the impact of minimum unit pricing in
Boyd, Jennifer et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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Influence of childhood trauma and traumatic stress on a woman's risk of having a child with a fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder
Parker, Michelle et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.

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Current and ideal living arrangements and supports for Canadian adults with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder (FASD)-Part I: perspectives from adults with FASD
Gault, Siann et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.

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Current and ideal living arrangements and supports for Canadian adults with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder: Part II- perspectives from caregivers
Gault, Siann et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.

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Effectiveness of a self-help guide during a temporary alcohol abstinence challenge: a randomized
controlled trial
Esselink, Annelien et al (2024) Alcohol and Alcoholism, 59, (4).

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Costs of alcohol harms in New Zealand: updating the evidence with recent research
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research. (2024) Wellington: NZIER

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Inflation and health: a global scoping review
Movsisyan, Ani et al (2024) The Lancet Global Health, 12, (6), e1038-e1048.

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Tobacco endgame goals and measures in Europe: current status and future directions
Ollila, Hanna et al (2024) Tobacco Control, Early online.

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The association of smoking with different eating and dietary behaviours: a cross-sectional analysis
of 80 296 United Kingdom adults
Alruwaili, Arwa et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Impact of Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations on cigarette consumption and youth
smoking in England: interrupted time-series analysis
Buss, Vera Helen et al (2024) Tobacco Control, Early online.

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Harm perceptions across vaping product features: an on-line cross-sectional survey of adults who
smoke and/or vape in the United Kingdom
East, Katherine et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Electronic cigarettes and subsequent use of cigarettes in young people: an evidence and gap map
Conde, Monserrat et al (2024) Addiction, Early online,

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Young people's use of disposable vapes: a qualitative study
Notley, Caitlin et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Nicotine strength of e-liquids used by adult vapers in Great Britain: a population survey 2016 to
Jackson, Sarah E et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Policy paper on strategies and regulatory options aimed at reducing risks and harms related to
online gaming and online gambling
(2024) Strasbourg: Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs and Addictions

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Risks and harms associated with online gaming and gambling
Expert Group Online Addictions. (2024) Strasbourg: Council of Europe International Cooperation Group
on Drugs and Addictions

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How did the ‘whistle-to-whistle’ ban affect gambling advertising on TV? A live football matching
McGrane, Ellen et al (2024) Addiction Research & Theory, Early online.

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Too young to gamble: long-term risks from underage gambling
Pérez, Levi (2024) Journal of Gambling Studies, Early online.

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Impulse and reason? Justifications in problem gambling
Wu, Raymond and Clark, Luke (2024) Addictive Behaviors Reports, 157. 38851143

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Functional connectivity changes in the brain of adolescents with internet addiction: a systematic
literature review of imaging studies
Chang, Max LY and Lee, Irene O (2024) PLoS Mental Health, 1, (1).

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HSE Safer Nightlife Programme hosts harm reduction services at Mother Pride Block Party 2024.
[Health Service Executive] (28 Jun 2024)

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Government approves legislation to increase the minimum legal age of sale of tobacco products to 21.
[Department of Health] (25 Jun 2024)

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Activists hold breath over gambling legislation amid ‘barrage’ of lobbying.
[Irish Times] White, Jack (24 Jun 2024)

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'They see no way out': 113% jump in homeless people seeking mental health support from charity.
[] Ryan, Orla (17 Jun 2024)

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Ireland joins European ports network tasked with tackling drug trafficking.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Jun 2024)

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‘We’re seeing firearms, arson, attacks on homes’: the families in the eye of Ireland’s cocaine storm
[The Guardian] Kelly, Annie (16 Jun 2024)

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Meeting with Oireachtas Joint Committee on Drugs Use.
[Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use] (14 Jun 2024)

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HSE Risk Communication - Monitoring Emerging Overdose Situation
[HSE] (14 Jun 2024)

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New state-of-the-art HSE drug trends laboratory opens
[Health Service Executive] (12 Jun 2024)

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European Drug Report 2024.
[Health Research Board] (10 Jun 2024)

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‘Reduce Drug Harm’ at events and festivals this weekend
[Health Service Executive] (07 Jun 2024)

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HSE warns people to stop using e-cigarette products containing illegal levels of nicotine
[Health Service Executive] (05 Jun 2024)

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New Oireachtas committee on drugs use is expected to produce interim reports
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (05 Jun 2024)

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Minister Burke launches interactive map to facilitate access to 442 publicly-funded drug treatment
and family support services.
[Department of Health] (04 Jun 2024)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Vol. 1056 No. 4. Topical debate - Antisocial behaviour. [
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] (26 Jun)
Vol. 1056 No. 4. Questions on policy or legislation [cocaine use]. [
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] (26 Jun)
Question 144 – Illicit trade [vapes]. [
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] (25 Jun)
Question 217 – Departmental policies [inclusive nightlife]. [
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] (25 Jun)
Question 281 – An Garda Siochana [drugs unit]. [
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] (25 Jun)
Question 402 – Substance misuse. [
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] (25 Jun)
Question 409 – Health strategies [drugs policy unit] [
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] (25 Jun)
Question 516 – Tobacco control measures. [
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] (25 Jun)
Dáil Éireann debate. Vol. 1056 Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice
(Amendment) Act 2009: motions. [
[link removed]
] (25 Jun)
Joint Committee on Drugs Use debate - Drug use policy: HSE, Department of Justice and Department of
Health. [
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] (20 Jun)
Question 11 – Cannabis for medical use. [
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] (13 Jun)
Questions on policy and legislation [Joint Committee on Drugs Use]. [
[link removed]
] (13 Jun)
Joint Committee on Drugs Use debate - Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use: discussion. [
[link removed]
] (13 Jun)
Question 247 – Homeless accommodation. [
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] (11 Jun)
Question – Tobacco control measures. [
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] (11 Jun)
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