There are just a few hours left before tonight’s FEC deadline.

Hey folks — it's Mikie.

Asking for money really isn’t my favorite part of the job, but I just called my finance team to check in on our progress. They told me we’re really, really close to hitting our goal with just a few hours to go before tonight’s end-of-quarter deadline. It sounds corny, but it’s true — your contribution (even if it’s just a few bucks), could help put us over the top.

It’s no secret that we’re facing an uphill climb. Donald Trump just added New Jersey to his battleground map, and Washington Republicans have followed suit — spending millions to attack Democrats like me on the airwaves. Now that a MAGA insurrectionist is my official GOP opponent this November, they could get the green light to spend even more to stop us at any moment.

But if we hit our goal tonight, we won’t just have what we need to confidently respond to these attacks — we’ll be able to get back on the road right away to elect New Jersey Democrats up and down the ballot and get out the vote in battleground states like Michigan so we can defend the Senate and the White House in just 18 weeks.

From serving in the Navy to serving in Congress, I’ve dedicated my entire career to defending our Constitution, our freedom, and our democracy. If you’re with me in this urgent fight, please chip in any amount right now to help us reach our end-of-quarter goal, keep New Jersey blue, and flip the House majority. You can use this personal link:[email protected]

Thanks for everything you’re doing to support my campaign and keep New Jersey blue. Let’s go win this thing.

— Mikie

Sent from my iPhone