I wanted you to hear it from me personally: I’m officially running to flip Wisconsin’s 8th district blue.

Dr. Kristin Lyerly

My name is Dr. Kristin Lyerly –

I am an OB/GYN who worked to care for patients at Planned Parenthood and who has been personally targeted and attacked by Republicans and anti-abortion extremists for my efforts to REVERSE Wisconsin’s abortion ban.

I wanted you to be the first person I told Friend: I’m officially running to flip Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District blue and be the only pro-choice OB/GYN in Congress.

We need a strong showing to launch our campaign: So I’m asking if you’ll become a founding donor to my campaign by splitting a donation between my campaign and March On PAC before midnight.

I have seen firsthand the effects of Wisconsin’s abortion ban – which stems from a law passed in 1849 that went into effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Most doctors didn’t even know that germs caused diseases back then. It was nearly 70 years before women would even be allowed to cast their first votes.

As a result of this draconian ban, I can no longer treat my patients and pregnant women in Wisconsin under threat of criminal prosecution. Republicans have targeted my medical licenses and personally singled me out in their lawsuits for my work with Planned Parenthood to make me an example of what would happen to others who do the same.

As a result, I commute regularly to Minnesota and have traveled to Arizona to deliver babies and care for pregnant women. All across the country, women are traveling across state lines from states like Wisconsin that have stripped them and their families of the best medical options for them and their safety in order to seek reproductive care.

Our healthcare system is in crisis. Nurses and doctors are leaving the state and the profession in droves. Mothers and women are scared and confused. And it doesn’t have to be like this.

With your help IT WON’T be like this in the future. We are going to restore reproductive rights here in Wisconsin and all across the country. Which is why I decided it’s time to run for office.

Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District is an open seat that Democrats were just 3 points shy of carrying in 2018’s Senate election. With your help, we will flip it blue and win a pro-choice majority that will act to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

So if you’re with me in this fight: I’m humbly asking if you will become a founding donor to my campaign.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:



Dr. Kristin Lyerly

Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

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