Ben Cline - United States Congress (logo)

The end of the fundraising quarter is just hours away, and we need your support now more than ever. 

The Biden administration's policies are taking a toll on American families and our nation's security, and it's up to us to fight back.

Under Biden, prices have surged nearly 20%, with electricity up 28.5%, groceries up 21.3%, and rent up 20.8%. Americans' real average weekly earnings have decreased by 4.4%, and annualized inflation has averaged 5.5% — more than double the rate under any of the last four presidents.

Additionally, our border crisis continues to escalate. In April alone, 179,725 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border, marking the 38th consecutive month of record-high encounters. Since Biden took office, over 9.6 million illegal aliens have crossed the border, including 1.8 million "gotaways."

We cannot allow these policies to go unchallenged. 

Your contribution is vital in helping us hold the Biden administration accountable and advocate for policies that protect American jobs and national security.

Please make a donation now to help us reach our fundraising goal before the deadline. Every dollar counts.
Thank you for standing with us.

Ben Cline Signature
Ben Cline
Paid for by Ben Cline for Congress, Inc.

Ben Cline

P.O. Box 1790, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
