![]() John, Our 2024 End of Fiscal Year Drive ends at midnight, and it looks like we haven't heard from you yet. Will you take a moment to review your member record? For Review: PIRG Membership Record Name: John xxxxxx 2024 End of Fiscal Year Drive Status Goal: $25,000 Grassroots supporters like you fuel our work to tackle concrete problems and find practical solutions. And for decades, we've won big victories for the public interest -- all without taking a single penny from corporations. Take our campaign to move our country beyond plastic: Every year, the United States generates a jaw-dropping 35 million tons of plastic.1 What does 35 million tons actually look like? That's enough plastic to fill the Dallas Cowboys football stadium to the brim roughly every 16 hours.2 All of that plastic takes centuries to break down. In the meantime, it ends up in our air and water -- and even our food -- as microplastics. Microplastic particles have already been found in our blood and lungs.3 That would be bad enough on its own, but making new plastic is also incredibly resource-intensive: 99% of all plastic is made from fossil fuels -- and by 2050, the plastics industry will generate as much greenhouse gas pollution as 615 coal-fired power plants.4 Until our fiscal year ends at midnight tonight, generous donors are matching gifts to PIRG, up to $10,000 nationwide. Double your impact and help fuel our work in the year ahead by making your donation now. All of this adds up to a big problem with a clear solution: We need to move beyond plastic. That may sound unrealistically ambitious, or too good to be true, but we know our goals hold water. How? Because with the support of people like you who put the planet over plastic, we've already made a big difference: After PIRG and our national coalition sent 138,000 petition signatures to Amazon, it announced plans to phase out padded plastic shipping envelopes in favor of recyclable alternatives. And just a few days ago, the company announced that it has removed plastic air pillows from virtually all U.S. shipments.5 One in three Americans now live in a state with a ban on at least one of the worst kinds of single-use plastics.6 We delivered over 80,000 petitions to Costco -- and now the company has committed to initial steps to cut its plastic packaging waste.7 But we're up against the powerful plastics industry, and it's going to take resources to deploy the research, education and action that it takes to win. Will you be a champion for the public interest? Make your matched year-end donation now. Thank you for making our work possible, Faye Park Your donation will power our dedicated staff of organizers, policy experts and attorneys who drive all of our campaigns in the public interest, from banning toxic pesticides and moving us beyond plastic, to saving our antibiotics and being your consumer watchdog, to protecting our environment and our democracy. None of our work would be possible without the support of people just like you. |
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