Hear about new opportunities coming up
Drawing of people at a protest

Hello John

Last weekend over 100,000 of us marched through London, delivering a loud and clear message to the political parties: we must fight the Climate and Nature Emergency. By next weekend, we will have voted in our next Government but, whoever they are, it's unlikely they will take the radical steps that are needed to save our planet.

What can each of us do? XR and others are gearing up to a new and exciting action at the end of August. Join the roles fayre next Tuesday 9th July, 7.30-9pm, to see how you could be involved.

The roles fayre is the perfect way to discover how you can donate your time and skills to support XR. There are regional and national roles available, across a wide range of skills and time commitments. 

As Ali, one of those involved, says “The Roles Fayre is a great way to meet people, discuss your options and find your perfect role! If you're not sure whether you're qualified for a role, or if the roles advertised are a good fit for you, come along and have a chat.”

When you register, you will be sent a link to a document which will be continuously updated with the latest available roles.

Love and birdsong,


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