[ [link removed] ]A gif featuring the words "Summer Match Campaign" in a gradient effect
using the colors: blue, purple, red, and orange
Don't miss your chance to TRIPLE your impact!
Name: Friend
Donor: Y | N
Suggested donation: $20
[ [link removed] ]TRIPLE MY DONATION
Today is the LAST DAY to get your donation TRIPLED!
There's no better time than today to get involved with Everytown and get
the most impact. Now until midnight tonight, [ [link removed] ]all donations are being
TRIPLE matched, meaning $10 becomes $30, $20 becomes $60–you name it!
Your dollars go far, and they will help us elect lawmakers who are willing
to pass safer gun sense policies, defeat the gun lobby's dangerous agenda,
hold gun manufacturers accountable, and mobilize volunteers who are
passionate about gun violence prevention.
[ [link removed] ]Help Everytown by donating today and have your gift TRIPLED!
[ [link removed] ]3X MY DONATION
Please – we cannot afford to rest. Despite a promising supreme
court ruling in US V. Rahimi, we still have so much work to do. Just a
week prior, the Supreme Court overturned the federal ban on bump
stocks—deadly devices that effectively convert assault weapons into
machine guns—in Garland v. Cargill.
We need your help every step of the way to ensure we have enough funding
to accomplish everything we aim to achieve.
[ [link removed] ]So, Please, donate $10 today and have it turned into $30!
[ [link removed] ]DONATE
Thank you for all you do,
Everytown for Gun Safety
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