As the weeks of isolation and sacrifice wear on, we’re hearing more and more about the heroes during this pandemic. Grocery store employees, truck drivers, farmers, and factory workers are receiving lots of rightfully earned attention for putting their own health at risk to keep America fed and supplied during this emergency.
Whenever America faces a challenge, our workers have always stepped up. It’s been true during every tragedy, war, and emergency our nation has faced since our inception.
While they’ve stood up for us, Washington has consistently let them down – both during this outbreak and before.
For years, they’ve seen their wages stay flat or even decline while the stock market soared. Washington has slowly, but consistently chipped away at workplace protections and regulations created to keep them safe on the job. Even as we face the worst healthcare crisis in generations, our heroes are left out – unable to afford necessary care and without the protective equipment to shield them even as they work on our behalf.
Here’s what I’m asking you to do:
  1. Acknowledge their sacrifice and do whatever you can to help.
  2. Remember their sacrifice when the danger passes.
  3. Make sure that no hero is ever treated this way again in the wealthiest country on Earth.
This year we have the opportunity to make real lasting change for our nation – and specifically for all the heroes who sacrifice for us. Let’s make the most of it.

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