I never could have imagined the things that they would make up and put on TV.


When I first decided to run against Lauren Boebert in 2022, people warned me what would happen. Politics is a “blood sport,” they said. The attacks would get nasty. I tried to prepare myself – to prepare my family – for what would come. But I never could have imagined the things they would make up and put on TV.

Now, after we came just 546 votes short of in 2022 (the closest race in the entire country!), and with Boebert running off scared to another district, the attacks are getting even nastier.

Super PACs are going to spend millions running the most ridiculous ads they can attacking me. We have to be ready if we’re going to win.

I’m facing my first federally-mandated FEC fundraising deadline of the General Election at midnight tomorrow, and if the Super PACs sense even one shred of weakness in our public fundraising report, they’ll pounce with more attacks to try to bury us.

We’re just $21,289 away from our goal and what we need to fight their lies and win this critical House seat. But I’m counting on grassroots donors like you to give now if we’re going to hit this goal and have the resources I need to win:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford before our first federally-mandated FEC fundraising deadline of the General Election – to help me win this critical House seat? There couldn’t be a better or more important moment to chip in to my campaign.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The Super PACs attacks are coming, but I know we can fend them off with your help today.

I’ll never be able to fully express how thankful I am that you are on this team.

With gratitude -