This is one of the key races that will decide who controls the House

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

Hi folks, this is Mikie. Please take a moment to read this important message from Eugene Vindman, who just became the Democratic nominee for Virginia's 7th district. 

I never imagined that I would be here today, friend.

I’m a Jewish-Ukrainian immigrant whose family came to America to find hope like so many others, and I was proud to join the military and serve my country.

When my brother, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and I witnessed President Trump abuse his power and threaten to block Ukraine’s military aid unless they investigated Joe Biden, we refused to stay silent.

We reported the call up the chain of command and it eventually led to his impeachment, but it cost us our careers when we were fired in retaliation.

Back then, I never envisioned I would run for Congress, but in the nearly five years since that phone call, the Republicans have shown the dangerous path they are willing to tread.

From the insurrection of January 6th to their assaults on fair elections and fundamental rights, Republicans have gone all-in on authoritarianism. Now, our democracy teeters on the brink.

That's why I need your support today. Our race is one of the key few that will determine party control of the House. So we can’t fall behind on our fundraising if we want to beat the GOP and keep our democracy out of the dangerous hands of MAGA Republicans.

The path to winning the House majority runs through VA-7, and the only way we can win is if I have you by my side.

Can you please split a contribution between Mikie Sherrill and my campaign before tomorrow's end-of-quarter deadline and join us in our fight against the far-right? We need all the help we can get to win this seat and protect our democracy.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Eugene Vindman and Mikie Sherrill will go through immediately:

I’m running because I believe it’s the duty of those in office to put the needs of their communities and their country over everything else. Because it’s our duty to step up and defend our democratic rights. I hope you’re with me.

— Eugene Vindman