It’s a critical read to understanding the importance of our work here at A Woman’s Place and why this FEC public filing deadline is so important at the end of June.
Pitch in right now to help us meet our goal and elect more women to office to restore sanity and women’s rights >>
Begin forwarded message:
John, the GOP spent decades undermining women’s rights, voices, and equality. I’m fed up with it — are you?
They suppress women because they don’t respect women.
They attack women because they think we won’t fight back.
I know that infuriates you.
It’s time to prove the GOP very wrong about how much Americans are willing to take of their twisted agenda to roll back the clock on reproductive rights. It hurts families, it hurts women, it hurts our progress.
This November is our last shot to protect choice and restore our rights. And we’re working to elect more women to Congress who will get it done. Donate now to help us fight back.As a woman in Congress, I care deeply about legislation that will protect our rights, support our families, and provide a safer future for our children.
Our GOP-led, male-dominated House is currently holding up legislation that could codify the right to abortion care into federal law, even though a big majority of Americans have said they want the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. To the GOP — power is the only thing that matters. And they’ve shown us they’re willing to take away our rights to keep it.
The GOP is ignoring the people in favor of their political leader, but if women were in charge of Congress, I can guarantee you we wouldn’t be twiddling our thumbs waiting for Donald Trump to tell us what to do.
That’s why we need more women in Congress, and that’s what we’re fighting for at A Woman’s Place PAC – and we need you to join in. Pitch in right now to help us meet our $6,500 FEC deadline goal if you’re ready for more women protecting our rights in office >>
I knew I could count on you,
Mary Gay Scanlon
A Woman’s Place PAC