This quarter was big for us, and the momentum we build now will be crucial for November.

This quarter was big for us: we officially filed for re-election; began to earn and announce key endorsements including local Democratic clubs, unions, and issue-based organizations; and ramped up our door-knocking initiatives. Why? Because the momentum we build now determines what we can do to mobilize voters in November.

Contrary to the chaos and grandstanding in Congress, I have focused on tangible results. From historic infrastructure investments to job creation, Democrats have delivered for Washington. Now, we must continue our work to:

  • Address climate change;
  • Lower prescription drug costs, including caping insulin at $35;
  • Protect reproductive health care;
  • Strengthen Social Security and Medicare;
  • Support our veterans;
  • Tackle the affordability crisis for hard-working families.

We need to counter the Chaos Caucus and restore functional government. With your support, we can reclaim the House and continue fighting for our communities, for Northwest Washington, and for our country.

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$5 $15
$25 $50

There is a lot at stake this year, and I know this is a daunting task, but together we can create real enduring solutions to our most pressing problems. Will you help us take the first steps with a contribution of $14 today so we can finish this quarter strong and hit the ground running in July?

More soon,


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