As you know, our fundraising numbers go public after the FEC filing deadline tomorrow. So to prepare, our team is updating our quarterly supporter records to show Mark just how much this grassroots team has grown so far this year.
Which is why we’re asking: Can you pitch in $5 to go on record with your support?
A strong Democratic Senate majority is the best way to stop a national abortion ban, protect vital programs like Social Security and Medicare, and bring transparency to the judicial system.
But the only way we can make sure we keep the Senate blue is by meeting our quarterly goals so Mark can continue to support Democratic candidates in Virginia and across the country.
If we raise $20,000 by our fundraising deadline (midnight TOMORROW!) we’ll be on track to show the GOP some strong numbers. But we need your help to get there.
Can we count on you to help us protect our Democratic Senate majority? Donate today >>>
Thank you,
Team Warner