Massive mud-slinging PR

Oh no, John!

National Republicans are ramping up their attacks on swing seat Democrats in California.

In fact, they’ve just published media attacks on over a half-dozen Democrats running for Congress in swing seats across California.

Please, take a look and then rush a Rapid Response Donation of $35 or more right now >>

Image: Screenshots from NRCC website showing press attacks on Democrats
CHIP IN $35 >>

Republican operatives have admitted that control of the U.S. House is almost certainly going to come down to tossup seats in California.

And now they are launching their massive mud-slinging PR machine against the Democrats who are running in make-or-break swing seats up and down California.

We cannot let these attacks go unanswered. Our goal here at the California Democratic Party is to provide immediate support in response to this blitz, but with our FEC Filing Deadline looming we don’t have any budget to spare.

Will you please rush a Rapid Response Donation of $35 or more so that we have the needed resources to get the true message out in response to the GOP’s attacks?

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

Thank you for stepping up at this critical moment!


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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States