Unfortunately, we've not been told the **TRUTH** about **America's Christian foundation** and what **separation of Church + State** actually means.
This **WKND** at Sheridan.Church ( [link removed] ), I will be speaking over the **TRUTH** about **Christianity in America**!
We encourage you to wear your best Patriotic outfit this Sunday and bring someone with you.
**Tulsa** - 10am
**OKC** - 6pm
Watch online: [link removed] ( [link removed] )
Thank you,
Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer
Partner w/Sheridan.Church ( [link removed] )
Revelation 8 | Verse-By-Verse | NOW AVAILABLE
I am excited to share with you that Revelation 8 ( [link removed] ) is now available.
I am doing a teaching series over the Book of Revelation ( [link removed] )n (verse-by-verse) and we have now made it to Revelation 8 ( [link removed] ).
Watch it here: [link removed] ( [link removed] )
One of my goals at Sheridan.Church ( [link removed] ) is to bring in speakers that are addressing issues we face in our nation.
We have been blessed to host: Lara Trump ( [link removed] ), **Perry Stone** , Rabbi Jonathan Cahn ( [link removed] ), **Rodney Howard-Browne** , Darry Strawberry ( [link removed] ), Mayor Rudy Giuliani ( [link removed] ), Roger Stone ( [link removed] ), **David Barton** and others in the past.
I am excited to announce that Riley Gaines ( [link removed] ) will be joining us on Friday, July 26 to address one of the most crucial battles we have right now that centers upon _gender_.
RSVP - www.sheridan.church/events ( [link removed] )
Thank you,
Jackson Lahmeyer
Follow me on TruthSocial ( [link removed] ), GAB, Facebook ( [link removed] ), Instagram ( [link removed] ), Twitter ( [link removed] ), Telegram ( [link removed] ), GETTR & YouTube ( [link removed] )).
www.jacksonlahmeyer.com ( [link removed] )
RSVP: Riley Gaines | July 26 ( [link removed] )
Web Version
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Jackson Lahmeyer | Tulsa, OK 74145