This month's newsletter is a General Election special!



It's on a knife edge. With just days to go, the country is on track for a Labour Government with a huge majority. But the contest in all four Green target constituencies is incredibly close. It's clear there's still work to do to get four Green MPs elected to push the next Government to be better and bolder. Let's make this happen! Scroll to find out more and see how you can help 🔽

Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth manifesto scores: Green Party 98%, Labour 51% and Tory 13%.

The Green manifesto has come out top for policies on climate and nature. According to an assessment by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, our manifesto scored a near perfect 39 out of 40 – twice Labour’s score and almost eight time more than the Tories. Given 2030 is a climate tipping point, and Labour's offer falls far short, it is vital we get four Green MPs elected to hold them to account. "The message is clear," says Caroline Lucas. "If you want Green you have to vote Green."

Sian, Carla, Adrian and Ellie waving and smiling during Green Party campaign launch.

▶️Campaign launch


Our campaign gets officially underway in Bristol. It attracts fantastic media coverage, along with our inspiring campaign slogan ‘Real Hope and Real Change’ “The polls are showing we will soon be shot of this awful Conservative government, but the incremental change Labour has put on the table just isn’t going to cut it, says Carla. “We need more Green MPs if we are to drive real change forward.”

Co-leader Carla Denyer at BBC's seven party Election Debate.

▶️Election debates


The first highly anticipated Prime Ministers debate is bleak and dull with little to separate Sunak and Starmer in policy terms. Three days later, Carla puts in a brilliant performance on BBC’s seven party Election Debate. It’s just one of many impressive high profile media interviews by Greens in front of millions of voters. But there is little discussion on the environment and co-leader Adrian Ramsay calls for a stand alone climate debate “the most pressing issue of our time”.

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay speaking.

▶️Full slate of candidates 


The deadline for nominations, another key milestone, arrives and the party is standing candidates in every constituency, bar one, for the first time. It’s a huge achievement and amplifies the remarkable journey we have been on for the past five years, winning record numbers of seats in consecutive local elections.

MP candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Sian Berry, speaking to Green Party campaigners.

▶️Manifesto launch


Our manifesto launch, broadcast live from Brighton, draws plaudits from columnists, trade unionists as well as the Green movement. What does real hope and real change look like? Massive investment in public services, accelerating the transition to net zero, increasing the minimum wage and scrapping the two child benefit cap. The billions in extra spending will be paid for by a wealth tax on the super rich and carbon tax on polluting companies.

MP candidate for North Herefordshire, Ellie Chowns, and Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall talking about saving our rivers.

▶️It's incredibly close!


The polls are volatile but as we enter the final stage of the campaign, it is clear support for the party is surging. But it's incredibly close in all four targets seats, rural North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, where the Tories are the incumbents, and Bristol Central and Brighton Pavilion which are Labour target seats. The bigger parties are rattled. Green activists pour into the target constituencies to help out. It's within our grasp.

Chris Williams, Head of Field and Elections, and Green Party volunteers out campaigning.

By Chris Williams, Head of Field and Elections


An awful lot is going well. I wish you could measure voter intentions as precisely as I'm able to measure my blood pressure right now. We are getting really good canvassing returns in all four target constituencies but it's really tight. The people who are still undecided will be those who determine the winner.


There has been a movement towards us in the short campaign, which has put us on this knife edge. What’s helping is people are finding the national media picture dull and two-way head to head debates between Sunak and Starmer uninspiring. Usually this is what dominates, but because people are switched off, and more people than ever don’t want either Labour or the Tories, voters are more interested than ever in the local picture. The Green Party dominates on the ground in all four constituencies. We do that to make up for all the national media the other parties get. If it was down to number of leaflets, poster boards, door knocks we would have a landslide.


But whether we win or not is going to come down to how many conversations we can have in these final few days - we are on a trajectory where there are thousands of people we're not going to speak to. Can you help change this? Please sign up for a visit. My best days of the campaign have been on the ground. I hope to see you there.

Graphic showing our progress towards our £400,000 target.

We smashed it! A huge thank you to everyone who donated to our campaign to raise money for billboards, posters, print ads and social media. It was phenomenally successful – we managed to exceed our target of £400,000 by some distance and raise £427,000. This spend is crucial to getting our message out to undecided voters in what’s set to be the most expensive election campaign yet by far! Last year the Tories increased the general election spending cap to £38 million. 

Political party donations summary.

Figures published by the Electoral Commission of donations received by political parties over £11,180 amply illustrate the funding gap between us and the Tories and Labour. 

Some supporters have asked why we send out regular email asks during the campaign. We do this as it is a low cost and effective way of fundraising. We don’t get mega donations from multi millionaires and big business like Labour and the Tories. The average donation to our general election campaign is £65 and the number of bigger donations received very limited. That means we need to make up as much ground as possible in smaller donations quickly. Luckily, thanks to your generosity we do! Thank you so much for your support. 

A Green Party digital ad that says 'a huge majority won't make Labour less sheepish, Green MPs will - vote Green 4th July'.

A digital ad that was produced by the Green Party team in Bristol.

Co-chairs Asma and Fesl and other representatives of Muslim Greens.

By Asma Alam & Fesl Reza Khan (co-chairs)


Since our inception in November, we've welcomed over 50 new Muslim Green members, and it's heartening to see this number grow. We're also thrilled to see more Muslim candidates in local and general elections, highlighting our expanding impact.


Our core aims include advocating for fair representation of Muslim perspectives, addressing systemic inequalities, and promoting environmental stewardship within Muslim communities. We support grassroots initiatives, foster interfaith collaboration, and champion inclusive policymaking.


We've been actively collaborating with Jewish Greens, which has been fantastic, and eagerly look forward to our upcoming conference in September. Our faiths align more with green principles than many might think, making the Green Party a natural fit for us. This ratification is a significant step toward amplifying diverse voices and ensuring fair representation within the Green Party and beyond.


Our message of Real Hope and Real Change is resonating with voters. But we need all members and supporters to vote Green on 4th of July, if you haven't done so already. It's vital we get four Green MPs elected and send a message to Westminster that climate and nature matter. Hope is in short supply from the other parties. Vote Green!


✅Know where your polling station is - this will be listed on your poll card, but you can also find it here

✅Remember to bring photo ID to be able to vote - a list of accepted forms of photo ID are listed here 

✅Your local Electoral Registration Office can tell you about any access requirements you have, i.e. if you have a disability 

✅If you have an unreturned postal vote, you can hand it in at your polling station

Caroline Lucas holding a Vote Green poster.

Last word goes to Caroline Lucas with a Vote Green poster replicating the design of Charli XCX's Brat album artwork. The image went viral when it was posted on X, formerly Twitter by the social media team. How appropriate. Young people are more invested than most in the election outcome and only the Greens are offering a way through the climate crisis. Let's do it!

In hope,

The Green Party 💚


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ