The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a threat like nothing we have ever seen before to the public health of our state. 
Thankfully, we are lucky to have brave essential workers in our state, who are heroically risking their health to keep our communities safe, fed, and healthy.
However, our heroes deserve much more from the Federal Government for the heroic work they are doing, which is why I am calling for more personal protective equipment, paid sick leave, and emergency child care for our frontline workers. 
We CAN get through this public health crisis but it will require us all to step up to support the essential workers who are getting us through this difficult time. 
That means we need to keep social distancing, keep washing our hands, keep wearing masks, and keep up the pressure on the Federal Government to do more to support essential workers!
Support greater protections for essential workers | SIGN ON »
Thank you for taking a minute to support our heroes on the frontlines in the fight against COVID-19, 
--  Greg
Paid for by Stanton for Congress

Stanton for Congress
4340 E Indian School Rd.
Suite 21-518
Phoenix AZ 85018 United States