I wanted to make sure you saw this message.

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

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Hi folks,

As the clock counts down to tomorrow’s all-important FEC end-of-quarter fundraising deadline, I wanted to make sure you saw this message from Craig Sicknick.

Craig is the brother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who passed away after courageously defending my life, and those of my colleagues, from the violent rioters who attacked our democracy on January 6th. Over the past few months, I have had the honor of meeting Craig and learning more about his family and the true hero Brian was. It means the world to know I have his support.

This election isn’t just about winning back my seat and defeating my insurrectionist opponent — it’s about protecting our democracy from the urgent threats it faces from today’s Republican party.

So please, take a moment to read Craig’s important message and add a donation before tomorrow’s FEC deadline to support my work to flip the House, defend the Senate, and protect our democracy this November. Thank you.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Craig Sicknick <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jun 05, 2024
Subject: A violent insurrectionist is Mikie’s official GOP opponent this November.
To: <[email protected]>

Hi friend,

This is Craig Sicknick. My brother, US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, died on January 7, 2021, hours after being attacked by MAGA insurrectionists and suffering a series of strokes.

When I learned that Joseph Belnome — a MAGA Republican who embraced Donald Trump’s Big Lie and proudly joined the insurrectionists at the Capitol — announced a campaign to unseat Mikie Sherrill, an honorable public servant and Navy veteran, I felt a personal duty to offer my support in any way I could.

Today, I awoke to the news that Belnome won the GOP nomination in yesterday’s primary election, which means that he is Mikie’s official GOP opponent this November.

I need you to help me ensure this un-American, anti-democratic extremist doesn’t get anywhere close to victory this November. Please add an urgent donation of $10 to help deliver Mikie and her campaign the resources they need to defeat MAGA extremism at the ballot box.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

My brother, Brian, sacrificed his life to defend our democracy from Trump’s violent mob on January 6. His actions, and those of his fellow Capitol Police officers, saved countless lives that day, including Mikie’s.

Brian Sicknick's honorary medals

It is simply unconscionable and incomprehensible to me that someone like Joseph Belnome, who openly embraced the now-convicted felon ex-president’s rhetoric and joined the violent mob he incited on January 6, could ever hold public office.

Public servants — Republican or Democrat — are always supposed to put our country and the Constitution above partisan politics. Yet Belnome called Mikie and her colleagues who stood for the rule of law “enemies of the people.”

Even worse, Joseph Belnome now claims that there was no insurrection. He dares to say that Mikie has an “obsession” with calling attention to the violent insurrectionism and blind loyalty to Donald Trump that has infected the Republican Party.

His actions, his rhetoric, and his presence on the ballot are an insult to my brother’s memory and to those who lost their lives defending the Capitol from Trump’s insurrectionists. He must be defeated. Our democracy is far too important to allow misguided cultists like Mikie’s opponent anywhere near the halls of Congress.

Please, friend, donate $10 to help Mikie defeat this MAGA extremist in the general election this November. Now more than ever, we cannot afford to lose patriots like Mikie in Congress.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Craig Sicknick