This deep sea mine could rip up ocean floors and dump toxic waste where dolphins and vulnerable whales swim.
Years ago, the Government of Papua New Guinea granted exploration licenses and a lease for the Solwara 1 deep sea mine. But scientists and locals called for a pause on this extractive industry because the impacts on marine ecosystems are still so unknown.
After massive pressure from coastal communities the PNG government put in place a temporary ban on deep sea mining. BUT it’s come to light that the government is considering renewing the licenses and lease for the Solwara 1 mining corporation, ignoring the massive risks and voices from local communities.
Join the coastal communities' protests in PNG and tell the government to cancel the Solwara 1 mining lease!
PNG locals have come together to form the Alliance of Solwara Warriors to protect the precious Bismarck Sea and cultural traditions like Shark Calling. Where canoes are taken out into the sea until land is no longer visible and people sing to the sharks, catching them with their bare hands.
But ever since ships came to explore the seabeds for mining, locals are finding it harder to call sharks, often returning home with just one or two. The mining corporation said it would have “no social impacts” on communities – but noisy, polluting mining vessels have scared off marine wildlife already.
The energy sector argues that critical minerals must be mined from the ocean in order to support the renewable energy transition. But mining corporations have a terrible track record of pushing Indigenous communities off their lands, destroying beautiful rainforests and polluting waterways.
The Alliance of Solwara Warriors said that the mining corporation does not have their free, prior, and informed consent to go ahead. We can’t let the destructive practices of the mining industry be repeated in our oceans.
Join the frontline communities' call: stop the Solwara 1 deep sea mining project.
Our community has helped local partners all around the world win battles they never thought possible. Just recently Ekō members, together with allies, helped push major insurer Zurich to stop insuring new oil and gas projects – a massive blow to the fossil fuel industry.
Let’s do it again.