After June 30th, federal law requires our campaign to pull together a report of how much we’ve raised and how many people have donated. That report then becomes public.


We’ll cut straight to it: We’re about to ask if you can make a donation to help Adam Frisch win this critical House seat, before his first federally-mandated FEC fundraising deadline of the General Election.

But first, will you give us a minute to explain why this FEC deadline in particular is so important?

After June 30th, federal law requires our campaign to pull together a report of how much we’ve raised and how many people have donated. That report then becomes public.

Reporters and political pundits will dig into the report, and they’ll use the numbers they find to judge the size and the strength of Adam’s people-powered campaign. But it’s not just reporters who will be scrutinizing our FEC report.

Super PACs are going to be poring over our numbers. The national Democratic party, the national Republican party, and other groups are going to be looking to see if Adam has enough grassroots support that they need to prioritize Colorado’s 3rd congressional district, as well.

And this is the last chance for grassroots donors like you to show Adam Frisch that you are 100% in and behind him to help him win this critical House seat in November.

We’re about to be under a microscope like we’ve never been before, so we need a show of financial strength unlike any we’ve ever had.

That’s why we’ve set one of our biggest goals ever: Raising $750,000 online from grassroots donors before our first FEC deadline of the General Election to show reporters, the Super PACs, and the entire Republican and Democratic establishment that we’re all-in to win this critical House seat.

It’s a big goal, but that’s how important things are accomplished: By setting big goals and working together to hit them. We’re so close to hitting this goal, and with your support now, we’ll be able to show everyone the strength of our campaign and help send Adam Frisch to Congress in November.

Adam isn’t taking money from corporate PACs. Instead, he’s building a people-powered campaign funded by grassroots donors like you. People from all over the country who read emails like this one and give what they can, when they can.

Please, if you are able to, will you click here right now and give whatever you can afford to – before Adam Frisch’s first federally-mandated FEC deadline of the General Election at midnight June 30th – and help him hit this huge goal and win this critical House seat? Every dollar you give now will go directly to Adam’s campaign.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

Let’s show reporters, national Democrats, national Republicans, and all of the Super PACs that we are 100% committed to winning this seat.

Let’s do this – together.

Thank you for being a part of Adam’s campaign,

Team Frisch