

Today the Iowa Supreme Court issued a decision on Kim Reynolds' extreme abortion law. This 6-week abortion ban is one of the harshest laws in our country. Most people are unaware that they may be pregnant at 6 weeks.?
These decisions are no business of the government.?This is an extreme government overreach into the most private area in someone's life. Abortion is healthcare. Healthcare is between a person and their doctor, not the government.?
States with similar bans/restrictions have poorer maternal health outcomes and less access to maternal healthcare. That's why I'm working so hard to elect more champions of reproductive freedom to the Iowa Senate.?

Iowa Republicans' extreme agenda will harm generations and we have to act now to send a message in this next election. Can I count on you to help me in this fight with a contribution of $20.24?

You've heard me say it before but today solidified?it: the stakes are far too great to not take action. We're all in this fight together and I appreciate you.?
In solidarity,

Iowans for Liz Bennett

366 19th St SE

Cedar Rapids, IA, 52403