July 1, Holy Mass offered by Cardinal Burke,
Feast of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus Christ, Submit Your Storm Heaven Intentions

Dear Friend,
This evening is the Vigil of the
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Tomorrow, June 29, is the Forty-Ninth Anniversary
of Cardinal Burke’s Ordination in the Royal Priesthood. This is
the Twenty-Ninth Year that his Eminence celebrates his Consecration as
a Bishop in 1995.
For me, this is a momentous
celebration and a time of thanksgiving. We are forever grateful that
God Almighty has blessed His Eminence with many graces to carry out
His Mission of serving Jesus Christ around the world.
The July 1 Operation Storm Heaven
Holy Mass offered by His Eminence, Cardinal Burke is only days
Have you submitted your intentions
that will be offered in the Holy Mass and Rosary? Please include an
intention of thanksgiving and a petition that God will continue to
bestow an abundance of grace upon our Shepherd, Cardinal
His Eminence will be offering a
private holy mass on July 1 for all Operation Storm Heaven Rosary
Warriors, as well as all of the intentions that will be submitted. The
holy mass on July 1 will not be livestreamed.
In the Holy Rosary that Cardinal
Burke asks you to recite daily, go deeper when praying the Sorrowful
Mysteries today and especially in July. In all five mysteries,
contemplate on how Christ shed His Precious Blood for our
You may know others who have
intentions and would like to submit them. Ask them to join our army of
Rosary Warriors. Please forward this email to your family and friends
and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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