Fellow Republicans, 

90 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. To beat Biden and the Pritzker Democrats in 2024, we must use ALL tools available and EMBRACE early voting and Bank Your Vote. Bank Your Vote  is an all of the above strategy to get more Republicans to vote before Election Day and “Bank” their vote. We will be working hard to bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible…because the political party that votes for weeks and months will mathematically beat the party that only votes for one day. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote!

Bank Your Vote

Following President Trump’s resounding debate win tonight in Atlanta, newly elected RNC Committeeman for Illinois Dean White responded on behalf of the Illinois Republican Party with the following statement.

“The difference between President Biden’s performance and the strong, definitive performance of President Trump could not be more clear. President Trump displayed why we need his leadership in the White House: to bring down the cost of living for American families, to close Joe Biden’s open border, and to give Americans confidence that we are leading from the front instead of covering for an out-of-touch career politician. There is a reason President Trump is leading in the polls across the country – the voters know he is the leader this country needs and it’s why he’ll win in November.” – Dean White, RNC Committeeman for Illinois

Republicans across Illinois and the country were energized as it is crystal clear that President Trump is the best candidate whose America First policies will make us great again.

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago, in suburban Cook County, St. Clair County, and East St. Louis. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

Tools to Protect Voters and Voter Rolls Accuracy

When the moving van pulled away, was something left behind? 
For three decades, the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) has conditioned voters to "let the government take care" of voter registration by adding them to the voter rolls with no individual action needed. It's not surprising that most voters leave their registration behind if they move since the government automatically registers everyone -- often multiple times! Why would anyone think to take action when putting their former home in the rear-view mirror? 

Several state laws make the current voting process less secure.
Voting by mail is unrestricted in Illinois. If you enroll in the permanent vote by mail program, a ballot is automatically mailed to your address each election, even after you move if the local election authority does not know you have moved.  Another murky concern is that Illinois law was changed to allow a mail ballot to be verified without comparison with the ballot signature with the signature on the voter registration record.  All these make it very important that voters who move don't leave their voter registration behind. 

What can you do to help?
Everyone can help achieve more accurate voter lists by spreading the word about easy ways to notify their local election official when moving.  

Don't leave your voting identity behind for others to exploit.
When a family member, friend or neighbor moves --share a customized version of the attached notice they can send to the election official. The moving voter should ask for written confirmation that the registration at the old address is cancelled. (Attachment #1) Identity theft is commonplace. Good neighbors don't let neighbors leave voting credentials behind. Awareness can prevent someone from impersonating the moved person or even attempting to build credit using the moved person's name. Many election officials give directions on the back of the voter card about how to inform the office when moving.  

Help new homeowners avoid claims of voting for prior owners. 
As you speak with neighbors, share the form (attachment #2 which can be customized by county/ jurisdiction) when the former resident has "left their registration behind."  If you know a committeeman whose duties include meeting voters and distributing voting information, ask that person to share the form when speaking with voters who found that someone left their registration behind. Help protect everyone! 

Trump Thumps Biden by Richard Porter 

Democrat delusions about Joe Biden’s fitness for office came crashing to earth at 9:03 EDT, when the cadaverous 46 th President of the United States shuffled into the studio towards his assigned podium. Suddenly, half of America realized what the other half already knew: Joe Biden is not up to the job.

And it went downhill from there.

Biden’s voice was raspy and weak – the White House put out word during the debate for the first time that he “has a cold” trying to mitigate the damage – and he seemed to lose his train of thought in one of his earliest answers.

Biden’s eyes often looked vacant; he often tilted his head oddly; his mouth was often agape; his skin was ashen; and, when he raised his eyebrows to express skepticism about things Trump was saying, his face was contorted into a freakish mask.

Biden’s answers meandered; he repeated long debunked stories; he visibly struggled to remember his lines; and Trump easily rebuffed his sputtering attacks.

This was the most one-sided debate in modern political history, and the most embarrassing performance by any national candidate since Admiral James Stockdale’s bizarre performance in the 1992 Vice Presidential debate against Dan Quayle and Al Gore.

Trump on the other hand did everything that he needed to do, proving to a national audience that he’s mastered the job of running for President. He’s disciplined and determined to win.

Trump was articulate, restrained, sharp and stayed on message. Trump hammered away at Biden’s epic failures on everything from inflation to border security, from the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and his inexplicable coddling of Iran to the Ukraine war and the Biden family business dealings in China.

And by the fifth or sixth time that Trump said that Biden was the worst President in history, surely well more than 60% of the Americans sitting at home watching this pathetic spectacle agreed with him.

Then, towards the end, when Biden claimed that he had a 6 or an 8 handicap and that he would carry his own golf bag for 18 holes, everyone still listening who knows anything about golf burst out in laughter. Bear that in mind as Democrats claim that everything Trump says is a lie.

The headlines on the Drudge Report say it all:
Operation: Replace Biden
Dems Scramble With 130 Days To Go
Debate Catastrophe

Is it possible to replace Biden at this late date? Theoretically yes, but practically no. Democrats could change the rules governing their convention and delegate voting once the Convention is convened in order to permit new nominees to be introduced on the floor, but the logistical and social challenge of coalescing hundreds of delegates around a new set of rules without a clear party leader in just a matter of days is mind boggling. The challenge would be multiplied as potential candidates and their allies swarm the halls and protestors throng the streets of Chicago.

The vaunted discipline of the Democrat Party would likely evaporate under the stress and the disappointment over their impending electoral loss. Furthermore, there’s no consensus over who would be the best replacement for Joe Biden; Vice President Kamala Harris is even more unpopular, if less cadaverous, than Biden.

So, any attempt to replace Biden will turn into a bruising free for all less than two and a half months before election day.

Thousands of professional Democrats are staring into that abyss, on the phone with each other right now and debating what’s possible. They will recall that Lyndon Johnson pulled out of his reelection race on March 31, 1968, which many believe was too late for his replacement, Hubert Humphrey, to pull out a win against Richard Nixon. Fault lines will appear and grow; fault finding will roil their base; and donors will withhold dollars until the smoke clears.

On the other hand, Team Trump is gathering steam. Any attempt by NY Judge Juan Merchan to impose a prison sentence on Trump to slow him down will backfire. Desperate Democrats will likely attempt to stir up another anti-Trump hoax, but that gambit has been played too many times to be believed by anyone but professional Trump haters.

Suddenly, Donald J. Trump’s road to a redemptive victory looks clear.

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire: 


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