John, I’m livid. This week’s spate of decisions from the Trump-McConnell packed court was horrendous — and there’s even more coming (namely, the question of Trump’s immunity from prosecution for crimes he committed in office) before this disastrous term ends.


We’ve known for years that this illegitimate court is working to impose an extreme right-wing agenda. But this week’s decisions are some of its scariest yet — and they came in rapid succession.


In just three short days, the right-wing supermajority…

  1. Made it easier to bribe elected officials. With Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito — both of whom have accepted millions of dollars’ worth of gifts and vacations and failed to disclose them — weighing in on the case, that was no surprise;
  2. Made it easier for people to get away with fraud;
  3. Made it a crime to sleep outside — giving cities and municipalities the power to punish unhoused people for sleeping in tents, or even in their cars, even when shelters are full; and
  4. Reversed 40 years of precedent to say that courts no longer need to defer to expert federal agencies when their regulations are challenged; stealing even more of the federal government’s power for itself.

So, who won out at the Roberts Court this week? Fraudsters, the ultra-wealthy, and the court’s right-wing extremists themselves. And who wasn’t so lucky? The rest of us.


These far-right Republican operatives in judicial robes want us to feel powerless. But the Supreme Court is supposed to represent us, and the power to take back the court is in our hands. Will you help us strengthen the movement to rebalance this broken court and finally hold the corrupt justices accountable today?


These rogue justices have one simple goal: to grab more power for themselves, their billionaire benefactors, and the narrow political faction they represent in order to impose their unpopular, extreme agenda on the rest of us.


And after another week of radical rulings, they’re closer to this bone-chilling goal than ever.


That’s why bringing control of the court back into the American people’s hands is so urgent and necessary. We need to structurally reform this institution now. Can you support our efforts today before the 2023-2024 term comes to an end?


Thank you for all that you do. This work isn’t easy, and we couldn’t do any of it without you.


Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President, Take Back the Court Action Fund