Nigel Farage is leading a climate backlash as a critical tipping point approaches



Co-leader Adrian Ramsay is about to do a half hour TV interview in front of a live audience.


He will be followed on BBC’s Question Time by an interview with Nigel Farage, from the climate denying Reform UK.


John, the stakes could not be higher.


It’s vital we get 4 Green MPs elected to push the next Labour Government to be bolder and better on climate.

The world is on fire and Labour is not offering a way through.


A study by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth gave our manifesto almost top marks on climate and nature – double Labour's score.


We know Keir Starmer will not invest enough in a green transition and is likely to make even more climate U-turns.


And we know Reform is leading the climate backlash and has strong prospects of returning a group of MPs.


That’s why it’s vital we get our four target candidates elected.


2030 is a tipping point and we need Green MPs in parliament making the case for bold and ambitious climate action.


John, will you stand up for real hope?


There’s less than a week to go to polling day and the election outcome is incredibly close.


Please help get Adrian, Ellie, Carla and Sian over the line. 

Thanks so much for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ