
I wrote to you yesterday about the Supreme Court's dangerous and harmful ruling in Moyle, which dealt a blow to bodily autonomy and reproductive rights across the country. Today, the Iowa Supreme Court took it a step further and issued a ruling allowing the state's 6-week abortion ban (one of the strictest in the nation) to go into effect.

I want to be 100% clear; this ruling is an assault on the very same dignity of life that anti-choice extremists claim to protect. Where is the dignity for those who will suffer long term health consequences because they were forced to carry a pregnancy to term? Where is the dignity in being told what you can and can't do with your own body? Where is the dignity in being denied life-saving care?

The radical right's war on reproductive rights has come to Iowa, and it's up to us to fight back. If you can, consider supporting vulnerable Iowans by making a donation to the Iowa Abortion Access Fund.

I know that in times like these, we can count on each other to get through the day.

Stand Tall for All,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: J.D. Scholten <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Far from the last word.
To: [email protected]


These waning days of June are typically saved for barbecuing, commenting on how high the corn has gotten, and catching fireflies (hey, a guy's gotta feel young somehow); but in recent years, those of us who are concerned with the state of our country have adopted another hobby: court watching.

And this morning in DC, the Supreme Court came through for pregnant people in Idaho. The Court held that, for now, patients in Idaho will be able to receive abortion care if their health is at risk, but this is far from the last word on this issue.

Tomorrow, right here at home, we'll learn the Iowa Supreme Court's decision in Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Inc. v. Gov. Reynolds on whether Iowa's six-week abortion ban is allowed to stand. This so-called "fetal heartbeat bill" was rushed through in a special session called by Governor Reynolds shortly after a lower court blocked a different abortion ban.

Make no mistake: abortion rights are under attack, here in Iowa and around the country.

As anti-choice radicals force abortion bans through state legislatures, they force people – the people they've taken an oath to serve – to seek health care far from home. In hospitals nationwide, rural maternity care is suffering, and doctors don't know when or if they're legally allowed to provide necessary medical care. All of this because of the Supreme Court's refusal to protect our reproductive freedom.

But we're also seeing growing efforts to preserve critical health care access. Grassroots movements in Ohio, Kansas, Florida, and so many other states are getting stronger by the day. No matter the result of the decision tomorrow, we know Iowans will keep up the fight to protect access to reproductive health care.

I continue to stand tall for reproductive rights, and I know you are standing with me. We're not backing down, and together, we'll restore reproductive rights – in Iowa and the entire United States.

Stand Tall for All,


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