Are you passionate about making a difference in your community?

Help us continue the momentum of our campaign by joining Team Larsen!

Continuing Our Campaign Momentum!

As a member of our doorknocking team, you'll have the chance to directly engage with voters, share Rick's work in our district, and help mobilize support for his re-election.

By participating in our doorknocking efforts, you will:

  • Ensure that our community continues to have strong representation in Congress;
  • Connect with fellow community members;
  • Help shape the future of our district!

And don't worry: no prior experience is necessary to join us. All you need is enthusiasm, dedication, and a commitment to making Northwest Washington a great place to live and work.

That sounds like a win-win for us. If you're ready to join Team Larsen, sign up to volunteer today!

Donate Now

Together, we can win in November and ensure that Rick continues to be a strong voice for our district in Congress.

See you soon,

Team Larsen

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50