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In the news this week

Friday, 28 June 2024

CI News

CI News Bulletin

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Top Story

Sue Barker

Male players who identify as female should not be allowed to compete against biological women, Wimbledon and BBC legend Sue Barker has said.



Voting in the 2024 General Election


GE2024: Issues on the horizon


Ashers Baking Company


Job opportunities


Also in the news

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham has shared the Gospel with over 7,500 people at a Glasgow venue which had previously prevented him holding an evangelistic rally.

Elliot Colburn

A pro-abortion politician has expressed disquiet over disability-selective abortions for Down’s syndrome.

Also see:

Massachusetts promotes abortion in brazen attack on pro-life pregnancy centres

Mixed toilets

Most Scottish secondary schools are unlawfully forcing boys and girls to share mixed-toilets, a campaign group has found.

Also see:

NI sex ed guidance drops content on ‘trans 3-year-olds’

US school coach fired after objecting to boys competing in girls’ races

Library pulls ‘trans-glorifying’ display after public outrage

Gino Kenny TD

A Bill to legalise state-sponsored suicide and euthanasia has been launched in the Dáil Éireann.

Gambling machines

Online betting firms will be banned from giving gamblers an “artificial illusion of control”, under a raft of measures designed to tackle addictive elements of gambling.

Also see:

RoI report: ‘Childhood gambling doubles addiction risk’


The Governor of Tennessee has signed into law a Bill calling for a season of prayer and fasting.


Also in the news


Salt and light in education


Living Christianity youth


Free online resources from the CI


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Yours in Christ,

Ciarán Kelly

Ciarán Kelly
Acting Director, The Christian Institute

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