Friend —

As this COVID-19 emergency unfolds, undocumented and immigrant communities are some of the hardest-hit people in the country. Yet Congress blocked undocumented taxpayers and their entire households from receiving federal stimulus money.

I know that you have made your voice heard in support of undocumented people already and I’m asking you to help. I grew up poor and undocumented in Texas and today am hearing stories from immigrant youth about their families going hungry and not being able to pay for basic needs.

Today we’re launching the National UndocuFund, which will get financial assistance to undocumented people that the been left out of the government stimulus plan.

Will you make a donation of any amount today to help us kickstart the National UndocuFund? Our goal right now is to raise $120,000 to provide 300 households with $400 spending cards.

Click below to make a donation of any amount to the United We Dream National UndocuFund.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

One hundred percent of every dollar you donate will go directly to immigrants and their households who are suffering because of the COVID-19 emergency.

This is not the first time we will step in to do what we need to help members of our community, and it won’t be the last. But right now, the National UndocuFund has the potential to provide much needed short-term relief while we continue our work of fighting for longterm solutions.

Please, if you’re able, consider a contribution to the National UndocuFund today. Use of the pre-set options below or use the “Another Amount” button to make a donation of any amount.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do. Your donation to the National UndocuFund is the most direct way to help undocumented families during this time of crisis and one hundred percent of donations will go directly to people in need.

Thank you,
Greisa Martinez Rosas and the rest of the United We Dream team

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