Help Me Defeat My MAGA Opponent!


You might think the absence of political mail in your mailbox means campaigns have taken the Spring and Summer off. I assure you, that’s not the case.

In the primary election, my Republican opponent and I finished in a virtual dead heat. Now is time for the rematch.

This November, I am facing a MAGA Republican backed by anti-abortion groups seeking to strip away reproductive freedom and roll back the rights Californians have fought to protect in recent years.

Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice California) know what’s at stake in this fight. That’s why they have thrown their full support behind our campaign. I will always stand up for reproductive freedom.

We cannot afford to give an inch in this battle. Now, I am asking for your help to ensure our campaign has the resources we need to prevail in November.

There are only 2 days left until the end-of-quarter fundraising deadline! Can you chip in before the end of the month to help us reach our goal?

With your help, we will continue the fight and bring home a W in November!


Christopher Cabaldon

Democrat for State Senate

Chris-Crossing Never Ends

You know I’m not slowing down!

Over the last several months, I have Chris-crossed our region, listening to voters, sharing my vision, and building our movement.

We are continuing our tradition of sharing these short videos to highlight the depth of #TeamCabaldon and our relentless army of volunteers, activists, labor groups, business leaders, and public officials that continue to propel us forward.

If you’ve seen me in your neighborhood lately, or at a community event, take a moment and see if you can spot yourself in our latest video!

Join Team Cabaldon!

Now that the primary is over, and it’s clear that we are going to be facing a pro-Trump Republican in the November, it’s more important than ever for Democrats to come together and speak with one united voice. I hope you’ll consider joining Team Cabaldon, and adding your name to our list of endorsers!

Paid for by Cabaldon for Senate 2024 • FPPC ID# 1459632

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