Ben Cline - United States Congress (logo)

With only 3 days remaining in the fundraising quarter, we urgently need your support. The Biden administration’s policies are putting American jobs and national security at risk, and it’s up to us to fight back.

Biden’s ineffective tariffs and damaging EV mandate are hurting the U.S. auto industry while failing to curb China’s influence. Meanwhile, Americans' real average weekly earnings have decreased by 4.4%, and inflation has averaged 5.5% — more than double the rate under the last four presidents.

Our border crisis continues to escalate, with 179,725 illegal immigrants encountered in April alone. Biden’s policies are creating chaos and jeopardizing the safety and security of American citizens.

Your contribution will enable us to continue advocating for stronger policies that protect American workers and industries. We can’t do this without you.

Please donate today to help us reach our goal and make a real impact.
Thank you for standing with us.

Ben Cline Signature
Ben Cline
Paid for by Ben Cline for Congress, Inc.

Ben Cline

P.O. Box 1790, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
